Not familiar with Cascon? Cascon is IBM's annual Centre for Advanced Studies CONference. I've been attending Cascon since 2003 (with the exception of 2005, when I was at OOPSLA) and every year it has had extremely high quality hands-on workshops and presentations covering a range of topics. (I've personally lead hands-on workshops covering XML, Web services, and RIA and Ajax.) And, it's free as in beer! (There is no registration fee.) This is a great opportunity for students to get out, meet some people in industry, and learn about some different technology. But, I digress.
Here's my schedule:
9-5 Hands-on: Introduction to Ajax Technologies
I'll be leading this hands on workshop with Jen Hawkins, Aron Wallaker, and Jeffrey Liu.
5-7 Technology Showcase: Enterprise Portfolio Management
Come take a look at my current project building tools to facilitate Enterprise Portfolio Management.
8:30 Best Paper Awards
I'll be awarding each of the best paper winners with a copy of my book Eclipse Web Tools Platform. (Haven't read it yet? Head on over to Amazon and pick one up. Find me at Cascon and I'll be happy to sign it for you. :) )
10:15-10:45 Paper: Runtime Monitoring of Web Service Conversations
Looks like an interesting paper about ensuring the correct functioning of Web services.
11-1 Technology Showcase: Enterprise Portfolio Management
Missed the Technology Showcase on Monday? It's open for the rest of the conference. I'll again be at the booth on Tuesday during lunch.
1-5 Hands-on: Learn about Adobe Flex
I'll be attending this workshop. I think it should nicely complement the Ajax workshop I'll be presenting on Monday.
10:45-11:15 Paper: An Audit Trail Service to Enhance Privacy Compliance in Federated Identity Management
This is a paper with possible use in Enterprise Portfolio Management.
1-5 Hands-on: Business Process Modeling and Simulation: An SOA Adoption using WebSphere Business Modeler
I don't know enough about BPM and think this should give me a kick start.
Although Cascon will run on Thursday, Wednesday will be my last day as I'm scheduled to speak at the Seneca College Free Software and Open Source Symposium on Thursday. More about that event in my next post.
I'm boarding a plane tomorrow at 7:30 to head to CASCON. I'll look for you at the coffee breaks, I would love to chat WTP and Eclipse :-).
Sounds good Bull. I'll make sure I keep my badge visible so you can find me.
I guess I should update my profile so people know I have a first name (not just a last one). look for Ian Bull. :-)
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